About Incentives

Quality care, salary bonus.

Did you know? Staying longer at your job means higher quality care for the children you work with. And, there’s a statewide program that supports this by rewarding eligible Georgia ECE professionals with salary bonuses!

INCENTIVES is an annual salary bonus program that rewards tenure (the length of time you stay at one job). The longer you stay at your job, the more bonus! You can get up to 5 payments for remaining at your current employer!

INCENTIVES will no longer be earned semi-annually, but will be an annual payment based on length of tenure and month of hire. Eligible applicants who were hired between December and May will receive an annual summer payment. Eligible applicants who were hired between June and November will receive an annual winter payment.

Teachers are appreciated. Let us show you how to be rewarded for your hard work and dedication.

Incentives Payments Amounts

Year 1- 3 at same employer: $1,500 paid annually

Four or more years at same employer: $2500 paid annually

What's required? You must have earned an ECE credential or degree in the past 5 years, work in an eligible ECE position and work setting, and have worked with your current employer for at least 12 months. See the FAQ below for details, the application, and all required documents.

INCENTIVES applications must be dated and postmarked between April 3 and June 30 for the summer annual payment OR between September 5 and November 30 for the winter payment

INCENTIVES is administered by Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.

Frequently asked Questions
Is the Incentives Payment Taxable?
What are the employment requirements?
What is the tenure requirement?
Are all ECE degrees accepted?
How many ECE-specific credit hours must my associate or bachelor's degree have in order to qualify for INCENTIVES?
What is the application process? 
What documentation must be sent with the application?
What is the Professional Development System (GaPDS)?
What is an "Affidavit for Lawful Presence Verification"?
What documents are considered "secure and verifiable?"
How often do I have to submit a notarized "Affidavit for Lawful Presence Verification"?
Online INCENTIVES application coming soon!